Sun Ballast® is a patented utility model system and tested in the wind tunnel. The company is equipped with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system, certificate no. 50 100 13413, issued by TUV Italia Srl.
The ballasts for photovoltaic modules ensure maximum reliability, safety and efficiency, as well as a low environmental impact.
12.15 Mb
Technical data sheet
7.97 Mb
Assembly Instructions
4.96 Mb
Assembly Instructions EasyWest
30.67 Mb
Specifications item Standard System
0.87 Mb
ETN Sun Ballast
18.52 Mb
ISO 9001: 2015 certificate
1.15 Mb
Certificate of maximum commercial reliability
0.54 Mb
Wind tunnel tests
0.17 Mb
Accessories Technical Requirements
0.21 Mb
Technical requirements Sun Ballast
0.14 Mb
Warranty certificate
0.21 Mb
General conditions of Sale
0.19 Mb
Table of laying times
0.10 Mb
MAKH certificate
0.48 Mb
Sun Ballast Patent
0.08 Mb
Technical sheet for large panel support
2.90 Mb
Integrated quality policy
0.13 Mb
Top Brand
0.42 Mb
Staples technical data sheet
0.14 Mb
Sheath UE technical data sheet
0.13 Mb
Sheath IT technical data sheet
0.13 Mb
Sheath XL technical sheet
0.15 Mb
NO-FLEX Connect technical sheet
0.12 Mb
NO-FLEX Standard technical sheet
0.12 Mb
Earthing Plate technical sheet
0.12 Mb
Junction plate for sail system
0.11 Mb
Connection plate East-West systems technical sheet
0.12 Mb
Connection plate kit for pairing technical sheet
0.12 Mb
Test Report UL2703
0.23 Mb
Certificate of Compliance
0.14 Mb