Large-sized photovoltaic panels represent a positive trend for many installers and designers, even though not always easy to manage: the use of latest-generation modules requires extra attention especially in the choice of support structures, and the Sun Ballast range includes simple, safe, and effective solutions.
The latest edition of KEY – The Energy Transition Expo provided an important opportunity for discussion among the many market players, bringing to the attention of the numerous attendees all the main trends in the sector. Among these, the constant increase in the size of panels undoubtedly represents one of the most relevant elements in the world of photovoltaics. Primarily linked to the technological evolution of silicon wafer industrial processing processes, the dimensional increase of PV modules constitutes today a stable market trend, with generally positive reception from installers and designers of photovoltaic systems. While panels of the latest generation may not shine in terms of maneuverability, it is also true that the use of larger modules can potentially optimize construction times, reducing the number of panels, the number of structures, and the overall costs per kW. An advantage for both operators and end customers, however, is also connected to the type of structures for photovoltaic panels used: the adoption of large-sized modules indeed requires the use of suitable support structures, capable of ensuring a high level of stability, wind resistance, and longevity, respecting the support parameters indicated by the manufacturers and not affecting their warranty. For this reason, Sun Ballast – a leading company in the field of structures for photovoltaic systems on flat roofs – has developed ad hoc solutions for large-sized modules: simple, solid, and quick-to-install systems, designed with the aim of meeting the concrete needs of operators and ensuring the maximum level of resistance, practicality, and safety.
Low load, reduced costs, and maximum safety: the new Industrial-XL system has been developed with the aim of making the realization of large PV systems with large panels not only simpler and faster but also safer and more cost-effective. The system offers a solid and innovative solution capable of reducing installation costs while maintaining the warranty on the modules and a low load on the roofs of buildings.
In the Industrial-XL system, each photovoltaic ballast is connected to all the others in a single grid of structures: in this way, the loads are distributed evenly along the entire coverage, providing the highest level of wind resistance without overloading the roof. The lattice configuration – combined with the 5° vertical fastening – allows reducing the number of ballasts, not only reducing the overall weight of the installation but also the laying times and the costs per kW of the system.
The fixing of the panels on the long side also allows to fully exploit all the potential of modern half-cut cells, managing shading well and maximizing the panels’ performance.
The particular characteristics of the Industrial-XL system thus offer the perfect balance between costs, loads, and safety, optimizing construction costs and ensuring the highest level of reliability for PV systems – especially those installed on large industrial buildings – even when panels with lengths exceeding two meters are used.
The range of Sun Ballast photovoltaic structures includes numerous models dedicated to large-sized panels, and the Mono-XL system – available in two versions with 5° and 10° inclinations – offers designers and installers an easy, fast-to-install, and extremely versatile solution. The cement ballasts used in this system allow freely adjusting the distance between rows based on the specific characteristics of the roof, and they allow managing all the obstacles present on the roof (e.g., chimneys, fans, skylights, etc.) with great ease. The size of the ballasts – designed for fixing the panels on the long side – also ensures compliance with the support parameters indicated by the module manufacturers, offering at the same time high resistance to all atmospheric stresses. If it is necessary to further increase the loads, the photovoltaic ballasts of the Mono-XL system are compatible both with the additional weights U-Block and with the Cablowind system, which acts both as an additional weight and as a channel for electrical cables.
When the goal is to provide maximum possible resistance to large-sized panels, No-Flex represents the ideal solution: the special steel bracket inserted on the additional ballast allows fixing the modules even on the central part, the one most subject to flexion and wind and snow loads. The increase in the support points from 4 to 6 thus offers the highest level of sealing and stability, reducing the risk of flexion to zero and respecting all the parameters indicated by the manufacturers. No-Flex is compatible with all Sun Ballast systems that involve horizontal laying of the modules (Single-Row, Connect, East-West, Sail Shaped), and it is available in a wide range of inclinations from 3° to 30°.